Stars and Nebulae
Interstellar Clouds
Classes of Objects
Gas Giant Planets
Brown Dwarfs
Red Dwarfs
Sun-sized Stars
Large Stars
The Largest Stars
Impossible Stars
Star Clusters
Planetary Systems
Rocky Planets
An Endless Cycle
Michael Gallagher
August 2002
July 2007
Wikipedia - Star Life Cycles
Update and comprehensive general article.
The Discovery of Brown Dwarfs
Eduardo L. Martin, Rafael Rebolo and Maria Rosa Zapatero-Osorio,
American Scientist Online, November-December 1997
Brown Dwarfs
Gibor Basri, Professor of Astronomy,
The University of California at Berkeley,
last updated Feb 2001
Doug Johnstone's Orion Page
Results of research conducted by Doug Johnstone, Assistant Professor
in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Toronto,
while an NSERC post-doctoral fellow at CITA,
the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics.
Stellar Structure and Evolution
Cole Miller, Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, Astro 606 lecture notes.
Life Cycles of the Stars
Bradford Technology Limited,
Automatic HTML conversion by Mark J Cox, 1996,
Copyright 1993 Bradford Technology Limited,
Armagh Planetarium and Mayfield Consultants.
Home Page of Astronomy 122: Birth and Death of Stars
James Schombert, Department of Physics, University of Oregon
Includes links to online resources to support the course.
Astronomy HyperText Book
University of Oregon.
Star Clusters, Old and New
From the Anglo Australian Observatory Astronomical Image Archive
- Universe, Origins and Evolution
Theodore Snow and Kennet Brownsberger, Wadsworth Publishing Company,
Belmont, California, 1997.
- Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics. 3rd Edition
Michael Zeilik, Stephen Gregory and Elske Smith, Sanders College Publishing,
Fort Worth, Texas, 1992.
- Stars and Their Spectra, An Introduction to the Spectral Sequence
James B Kaler, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK,
Paperback Edition with Corrections, 1997.