Star Life Cycles - Star Clusters

Stars and Nebulae


Interstellar Clouds
Classes of Objects
Gas Giant Planets
Brown Dwarfs
Red Dwarfs
Sun-sized Stars
Large Stars
The Largest Stars
Impossible Stars
Star Clusters
Planetary Systems
Rocky Planets
An Endless Cycle


Michael Gallagher
August 2002
July 2007

The Pleiades, Copyright Anglo Australian Observatory/Royal Edinborough Observatory

When interstellar clouds condense, they form clusters of stars.

The Pleiades star cluster above, also known as The Seven Sisters or Subaru, is easily visible with the naked eye. A telescope shows that there are over 500 dimmer stars in the cluster. The Pleiades stars are spread over an area of sky about four Moon-widths across. The cluster is 400 light years from the Sun. It formed from a single interstellar nebula about 40 million years ago.