Star Life Cycles - Brown Dwarfs

Stars and Nebulae


Interstellar Clouds
Classes of Objects
Gas Giant Planets
Brown Dwarfs
Red Dwarfs
Sun-sized Stars
Large Stars
The Largest Stars
Impossible Stars
Star Clusters
Planetary Systems
Rocky Planets
An Endless Cycle


Michael Gallagher
August 2002
July 2007

After Edward Martin et Al, American Scientist 1997

Brown Dwarfs are interstellar cloud condensates that almost became stars. They form from relatively small amounts of gas. Their internal gravitation pressure is high enough to support partial nuclear fusion.

They are very dim. Astronomers have only just begun to find them. There are conflicting theories about how plentiful they will prove to be.

Brown Dwarf Details
Mass: 0.02 to 0.08 Suns (20 to 80 Jupiters)
Surface Temperature: 900° to 2,700° K
Lifetime: Trillions of years.
End point: Gradual loss of heat and slow fade to a dark body.