still movie
Universe - GOODS - Galaxy Sequence - HST GOODS South - Chandra GOODS South - Image Aquisition

Both images link to views of GOODS field south
obtained with the HST's Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS).

Click the outer image to view the movie presentation [11.1 MB Quicktime].
Click the inset to view the high resolution still [1.1 MB jpeg]

The movie, [11.1 MB Quicktime], shows how the image was built from multiple ACS exposures
and then zooms in and flys over part of the field.

The still, [1.1 MB jpeg], shows part of the field at full resolution.
It has been rotated 90° to match the orientation of the movie.

Source: Hubble Site - GOODS Deep Fields

Find more images, including the entire mosaics of GOODS north and GOODS south at the source site.