
The Constellations of the Milky Way

Click on the names below to locate constellations on the chart.

Arrange Index
[Alphabetically] - [Left to Right]

Auriga - (Pleiades) - Perseus - Camelopardalis - Andromeda - Cassiopeia - Cephus - Lacerta - Cygnus - Lyra - Vulpecula - Sagitta - Delphinus - Aquila - Scutum - Serpens Cauda - Ophiuchus - Sagittarius - Scorpius - Lupus - Norma - Ara - Triangulum Australe - Centaurus - Crux - Musca - Carina - Vela - Antlia - Puppis - Pyxis - Canis Major - Monoceros - Canis Minor - Orion - Gemini

[All MW Constellations] - [Those Visible from Victoria]

Michael Gallagher
18th June 2000