
The Milky Way from the Inside

From any one place, we can see only part of the sky. As the Earth rotates, other parts come into view.
From a single location, however, some part of the sky remains permanently obscured by the horizon.
It takes time and travel to build up a picture of the whole sky and the galaxy that surrounds us.


1. Lund Map
2. Constellation Locator Chart
3. S. Hemisphere Milky Way Mud Map
4. Milky Way Year
5. Milky Way Whole Sky Mosaic
6. Milky Way Equator Mosaic

6. Axel Mellinger's Photomosaic of the Galactic Equator

Higher resolution image

This photomosaic of the galactic equator, also by Axel Mellinger, is fitted together from 16 wide angle photographs taken from locations around the world over a two year period. It depicts a 45 degree wide strip running along the galactic equator. Visit Axel's site for more images and a discussion of the photo fitting technique.