
High-Z Supernova Search

Table of Contents
The Expanding Universe [1] [2] [3]
The Fate of the Universe
Type Ia Supernovae
Searching for Distant Type Ia Supernovae
Search Results
Search Conclusions

The Expanding Universe

Consider this toy model of the Universe which expands by 5%. The expanded image is overlayed and centered on the first. Every object appears to move away from the centre. Furthermore, the further objects are from the center, the further they appear to move during the expansion. That's exactly what Hubble saw.

From wherever we were to look in our expanding Universe, we would see the same thing. All the other galaxies would appear to be moving away.

The rate that the Universe is expanding is named after Hubble. The Hubble Constant specifies the relationship between the recession velocity of the galaxies and their distance from us. If we extrapolate backwards, the Hubble constant tells us when the universe began.

But, can we assume the Universe's expansion rate hasn't changed over time.
